Photo of Irina Stoyanova Italy

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I was born in Bulgaria, but I feel more like a citizen of the world. Painting is a pleasure for me from my childhood until now

I can describe myself as an ordinary painter and as an addition – a painter, who prefers to work with textile. My technique is definitely mixed – acrylic painting, oil painting and collage. One of my personal interests is hand weaving and I make sometimes work on demand and when I am fascinated...

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See everything we offer you!
19.69 x 23.62 in
15.75 x 15.75 in
70.87 x 39.37 in
26.38 x 20.87 in
47.24 x 39.37 in
19.69 x 23.62 in
15.75 x 15.75 in
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I was born in Bulgaria, but I feel more like a citizen of the world. Painting is a pleasure for me from my childhood until now

I can describe myself as an ordinary painter and as an addition – a painter, who prefers to work with textile. My technique is definitely mixed – acrylic painting, oil painting and collage. One of my personal interests is hand weaving and I make sometimes work on demand and when I am fascinated with something.
I love playing with digital camera and taking shots, in fact my best side in this direction is a strong desire to show how light affects and plays with the body. As a creator I adore all which do not fit in plain definition of art and my weakness are contrasts.

Graduated from the Varna Free University, 2006 (textile art).
2010 - illustrations to the book of love lyrics `We resurrect with love`(autor Georgi Vasilev)
2011 - `ENSEMBLE` general exhibition with Ettore Aldo Del Vigo(Italian Surrealist painter)
2011 - `R.E.M.`- first personal exhibition in Italy, Sardinia (Sassari)
2012 - `CONTEPTUAL` - personal exhibition, Italy, Sardinia (Nuoro)
2012 - `SENTI MENTALE` - personal exhibition, Italy, Sardinia (Sassari)

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